Compliance management
Compliance plays a vital role in the success and sustainability of every business or investment and is decisive for wealth preservation, management and growth.
Navigating the complex landscape of laws and regulations requires constant attention and professional knowledge. Cross-border wealth managements presents an additional challenge by the merge of domestic legal and tax compliance with international and foreign exchange regulations.

We are committed to helping our clients, their companies, and investments to be in line with the legal, tax and AML requirements at any time. Through our tailored solutions, we assist our clients in effectively identifying and managing risks, meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring proper and timely reporting, and promoting a culture of integrity.
Real estate planning

Property transactions

Legal assistance

Real estate agency
Tax support

Risk assessment
KYC files maintenance
Tax returns
Financial reporting
Audit assistance
AML compliance
Risk assessment
KYC files maintenance
Tax returns
Financial reporting
Audit assistance
AML compliance
Grand Palais 1,
6440 Brunnen
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